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Dating Violence


Most relationships begin with courtesy and respect. But over time you might notice changes in your partner. He may want you to spend time only with him. She may call or text you repeatedly and want to know where you are and who you are with. These could be warning signs of dating violence.


Some other warning signs include a boyfriend or girlfriend who:


  • Tells you who you can and cannot see.

  • Gets upset when you spend time with other friends or family.

  • Puts you down in front of friends and others.

  • Gets upset when you are late or break a date.

  • Pressures you to have sex.

  • Pressures you to use drugs or alcohol.

  • Grabs, chokes, hits, or pushes you.

  • Wants to know the details of where you have been, who you have been with, and what you have been doing.

  • Gets angry very easily and becomes violent.

  • Threatens to do something terrible if you break up.

  • Destroys your property to get even.

  • Refuses to accept a breakup.

  • Begs for forgiveness after hurting you and promises never to do it again.


How to Help a Friend


Would you know if a friend were in an unhealthy relationship and at risk? People who are experiencing dating violence often:


  • Apologize or make excuses for their partners.

  • Cover up or make excuses for injuries caused by their partners.

  • No longer enjoy doing activities that they previously enjoyed because their partners say they should spend more time with them.

  • Cry frequently or feel sad or anxious.

  • Become more secretive.

  • Lose confidence in themselves and their abilities.


If you or your friend are a victim of dating violence please observe the following helpful hints:


  • Tell your friend that you are worried about them. Give specific examples of incidents you witnessed and how they made you feel.

  • Don't be judgmental or make your friend feel ashamed. Be supportive.

  • Let your friend know you are available to talk and keep what is said confidential.

  • Encourage your friend to get help.

  • Help them help themselves! Make arrangements for them to meet with a trusted adult or counselor.


For help in the Dothan area and the surrounding eight counties please call (334) 793-2232 or 1-800-650-6522 or contact one of our victims advocates.


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