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Date Rape and Date Rape Drugs
Many people think that date rape isn't as serious as stranger rape, but date rape can be especially difficult for victims. Victims often do not want to believe that someone they know would intentionally hurt them. As a result, many date rape victims blame themselves. They feel responsible because they went with the rapist. They think they did something to lead him on. They feel embarrassed or angry for letting themselves be deceived or tricked. They may doubt themselves or have difficulty trusting people.
But rape is never the victim's fault. It does not matter that they went with the rapist, dressed a certain way, or consumed alcohol. They did not ask to be raped!
You can take steps to reduce your risk of being a victims of date rape. Consider these tips to stay safe.
Go to parties with groups of friends. Look out for each other and leave together.
Do not leave a party or event with someone you do not know, especially if you have been drinking or using drugs.
Avoid alcohol or drugs. They can impair your judgment and slow your response time.
Be on the look out for date rape drugs. Get your own drinks at parties and watch your drink at all times.
Meet your date at the restaurant, movie, or in a public place. Do not have them pick you up at your home.
Double date with friends until you get to know the person better.
Learn as much about the person as you can before the date.
Plan the date. Know the details. Where are you going? What time is the event? When will you be home?
Know how far you want to go on a date and clearly state your limits.
If you are in danger, call 911. It's a free call.
Always carry enough cash and be prepared to pay your own way, especially on a first date.
Avoid secluded places. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Take self-defense classes. Learn how to defend yourself.
Trust your instincts. If something doesn't seem right, leave or call for help.
Assert yourself. Express yourself clearly, and do not be afraid to say no.
Date Rape Drugs
Rohypnol, GHB, and Ecstasy have been used in date rape and sexual assault. The drugs are odorless and nearly tasteless, so they can be easily added to a drink without a woman's knowledge. They cause the victim may pass out or be unable to fight off unwanted sexual advances. They also cause memory loss, so victims may not remember what happened while they were under the influence of the drug.
When you are at a club or party, get your own drink and keep it with you at all times. If you suspect someone has put something in your drink, do not drink it.
Rape Facts
Alcohol and drugs are involved in approximately half of all rapes.
More than 60 percent of rape victims know their assailant.
Every 68 seconds an individual in the United States is raped.
Less than 30 percent of sex crimes are reported to police.
Nine out of ten rape victims are female.
Most rapes are planned.
Rape is still a crime even if the victim knows the attacker.